When it comes to the internet, one name always comes up as a powerhouse: Google. It’s no surprise that the tips we have for you relate to Google tools and how you can use them and make them work for you.

Google Tools

1: Set up your Google Places page: Click Here to learn more.

  • It is extremely important for local businesses to claim their Google Places page. Making sure your internet presence is up to date is absolutely key because many searches, especially mobile ones, are done by local people searching for something in their area.
  • Having a Google Places page makes your site more visible in searches. Not only does your business listing pop up more easily in Google Search, but you can also customize your page so it has photos, a map, coupons, etc.

 2. Embed Google Analytics on your site: Click Here to learn more.

  • It’s free, and really, everyone with a website should be running analytics to figure out what works for them and what doesn’t.
  • Google Analytics can point out what pages your visitors go to, where they come from, and how long they are on your site. It can help you see if your content is interesting, easy to navigate, and whether your site is doing what you want it to.

Do it yourself: 5 steps to get Google to find your studio

  1. Give a great experience. Especially with Google’s new SEO rules, having good, useful, and unique information is the best way to get your site seen.  Look at your pages. Is it easy to find the information you want? Is the design of your page compelling? Can your clients easily reach you?
  2. Be unique. Don’t use generic descriptions about your classes or your studio. Pull videos from your recitals and competitions and make your site beautiful with great pictures. Google prioritizes sites that are considered more “useful” so make sure to make your page pop!
  3. Content is king. Write content that you would want to read or that really tells a story about your business. Do you blog about your dance studio? Not only can you keep your visitors up to date with any new announcements, but you can also tell stories about your classes, give tips, and brag (a little) about your awards!
  4. Titles and Tags. All your pages should be properly titled and tagged. Make sure your titles match your content, write your descriptions as though you are talking to a normal person, and tag your pages with unique keywords (don’t just say “dance,” “dancing,” “studios,” etc.)
  5. Analyze everything. This might be the most important step. You should never just plug in keywords and assume they are doing what you want them to do. Use Google Analytics to keep track of what words people are using to find your site. Then, update your site to make use of these new keywords!

There you have it! We know these tips will help you to use the most powerful tool on the internet.