Tips for Dance Camp

Decisions to be made

  1. What is the nature of the camp: a continuation for serious dance class geared toward the competitive dance student or more of a place for kids to kick back, stay in the groove and have some fun?
  2. Will your camp be a full day (to help parents with childcare issues?)
  3. What are the hours your camp will be open?
  4. Will you offer food or will students bring their own lunch from home?
  5. Will there also be outdoor activities, traveling activities, or strictly dance?
  6. What classes will you offer?
  7. What levels will you offer?
  8. How will you handle staffing?
  9. Are there opportunities for your senior dancers to be “counselors” or dance assistants?
  10. How many weeks will you offer? Can parents buy 1, 2, or 5-day sessions? Can parents purchase weekly sessions? Are they discounts for those who enroll for longer periods?
  11. What are the dance camp hours?

Tips for Dance Camp: How to Get the word out

Please make sure to post frequently on your fan page (we recommend both Facebook and Instagram) about all the amazing Dance Camp opportunities you will offer. Last year’s videos are an added boost. But also:

  1. Your best “camper” is your current student population. Offer discounts for those who are enrolled for a full year.
  2. Offer incentives for students to get their friends to enroll for a week or two.
  3. Offer incentives for students (parents actually) who pay upfront, and incentives for the ones who enroll for longer periods of time.
  4. Create flyers for elementary, middle, and high schools.
  5. Enlist principals of the schools.
  6. Post on church & synagogue bulletin boards.
  7. Enlist your students to help pass out flyers.
  8. Make a press release about your dance camp and send it to local papers to increase your local reach.
  9. Feature your camp on your website.