Even though it’s been around for a while, using email to grow and retain enrollment still remains a major successful component of a digital media campaign. Overflowing inboxes and the dreaded spam folder mean that email remains a complex tool for dance studios. However, there are some email marketing essentials that can help increase your marketing results.

1. Content is King:

Content should be the primary area to focus on. The message should be easy to read, with a compelling subject line, one central idea, and a clear call to action. Here’s an example of 2 different headlines to give you an idea: “Dance Classes will Help Your Child in all areas of their Life: versus: “Dance Class Helps Teens Focus” (to parents)

2. Use email to prevent dropout!

One thing that really engaged me as a repeat student was the following: I got great emails from my teacher after every class encouraging me to practice and a link to a video of steps I just learned. I realize this is a lot of work. Take a step toward weekly student emails. Have your teachers write 1 paragraph every week as to what they would like their students to retain or practice. Have an assistant videotape the teacher demonstrating breaking down a move, throw it up on Youtube, and email the link to your students. Awesome encouragement!

3. Keep in touch with your parents: 

Send them monthly or bi-weekly updates about their class progression. Send them tips and hints about competition. And don’t forget to thank them for continuing to be parents at your studio!

4. First Impressions Matter:

There are many services to make this email easy. Take a look at constant contact, i-contacts, and MailChimp, to name a few. Most have a free 1-month trial. Mail Chimp is free for lists under 2000!

With so many tools available, there is no excuse for sending poorly formatted emails or emails that are not optimized for multiple email clients. Dance Studios Web Design can help you get started.

5. Test Deliverability

There are a number of widely available tools that increase the likelihood of a successful delivery into an inbox. These programs will provide a visual preview of emails and can help identify words, terms, and even symbols that could trigger a red flag across various popular spam filtering platforms. They can also provide guidance on other factors spam filters look for, such as text-to-image ratio. Many of the e-marketing services (like constant contact) have some SPAM proofers but try https://www.senderscore.org for more in-depth information.

6. Be consistent

Try to stay on track with at least one important email a week offering great tips, a discount, event information, and more. Too busy? Dance Studio’s Web Design can help you with all your newsletter needs!