We realize that a lot of studios experience staff turnover so we reached out to Patti Komara to get her expert view on staff retention and how to help you GROW your business, not HURT it!

About Patti: Patti started Patti’s All American Gymnastics in 1969 and it has since become one of the most successful gyms with gymnastics, dance, swimming, and a fitness based nursery school called Gym-N-Learn. Known internationally, Patti began speaking at seminars in 1981 on preschool and school-age gymnastics and the business of owning a gymnastics school. Her principles apply to any studio…no matter what type you run! Patti also offers a great newsletter than you can sign up for here: http://www.tumblebear.com/aboutus.htm

Employee Retention

There are many reasons why employees quit and move on. The number one reason is they feel un-appreciated. If you put efforts into showing your staff how much you appreciate them it equates to a more dedicated staff. Here are some ideas that we do to keep our team happy:

  1. Have a party to celebrate three  staffers hitting milestone anniversaries. This year we had employees reach hit 15 year mark. Two years ago we had three other women make 15 years. In 2009 we had two women celebrate their 20 years with us.
  2.  Give them great pay and benefits.
  3. Make sure you have a true understanding of what they want from their job and HOW THE JOB CAN FIT INTO THEIR LIFESTYLE. If you have a mom of school-age kids teaching at night, they’re not going to stay. If you have a more reserved quiet woman at the front desk and a crazy outgoing person as a bookkeeper, they won’t be happy.
  4. Take them soup when they’re sick. Pray with them when they are going through the tough times. There are always tough times. Just be sure they know you are there for them. You want their happiness before your profit line and that their  family, and health comes first.
  5. When they realize how their contribution is tied to the bottom line and how well they do their job, they will want to stay.
  6. Love on ’em. Don’t have a fear-based workplace. Make sure you hire the right person BEFORE they get in there and not like it and quit.
  7. Tell them their opinion counts and you respect them. Believe in them.
  8. Encourage them. Look for ways to promote them and help educate them. Be there for them. When they know you care, they will stay–bottom line.

To get more great ideas to help you run your studio more smoothly, register for Patti’s monthly newsletter here: http://www.tumblebear.com/aboutus.htm