It is NOT too late to increase enrollment in 2023. Here are 20 tips to get you started!!

  1. Have a NEW YEAR NEW REGISTRATION DAY: Invite newcomers to your studio for a free trial class. Place them in a class that is based on their current experience. I know, you are worried about recital. Idea for adding 1 or 2 extra numbers: add a medley of dancing levels and types, starting with young ones up to advanced. Costumes can be a medley too so you can purchase what is available.
  2. Offer new registrations a free studio tee shirt or tights upon registering.
  3. Have a drawing for a free month of 1 class for new students.
  4. Current students who bring a friend who signs up get entered to win a free month of all their classes!
  5. Have a drawing for a competition bag for all who sign up.
  6. Hold an after-Christmas dancewear sale.
  7. Waive registration fee for all new students.
  8. Have all new students who register for one class, get a second class for $1
  9. Have all current students get 1 new class for $1.
  10. Offer a 1-month class with different genres of dance for intermediate dancers. Give that class at 50% off and have 4 different teachers teach it.
  11. Have a free private drawing for new students. Offer a 1/2 private for all old students that bring a friend who registers.
  12. Offer a 50% off private for all new students. At DANCE SPORT in NYC, that is part of their NEW ENROLLEE “extras”. I took it.
  13. Donate a semester of dance classes to all PTA’s in your area.
  14. Have a winter open house with teachers giving demonstrations of classes so parents can watch students being taught. Offer coffee and snacks. If new student signs up, give them one of the above-mentioned gifts.
  15. Contact local schools with your winter schedule. Give them 5% promo cards.
  16. Email your “lapsed” student list a special offer. Use a FREE VERSION of MAILCHIMP so you can make it snazzy and track opens and clicks to your website.  Next,  follow with people who opened your email.  They are your HOT LEADS.
  17. Set up your Facebook campaign to target moms with kids in your area a “special offer”- Need help? Dance Studios Web Design has professional designers and FaceBook managers to guide you through the process!
  18. Get your website to look beautiful!
  19. Offer online registration with recurring billing so you end NO PAYING families.
  20. Offer discounts for parents who pay Spring semester in FULL.
  21. Post cute videos of your Holiday recital, NutCracker or just great videos of your team on Youtube. Post the videos on your website.

Advertise, advertise, advertise:

  1. Facebook
  2. Google
  3. Twitter
  4. Elementary and High Schools
  5. Email blasts- to lapsed students

Your website- make sure your special offer is on your website!

Enjoy your holidays and best wishes for a happy 2023!