So you have attracted a new potential client and now it’s time to seal the deal? We’ve researched the questions parents ask and have provided some advice on how to respond most effectively! In addition, sometimes parents have their teenagers call to ask questions. This is a perfect time to collect both their email addresses and their phone numbers so you can follow up. By putting all this into an email, you can continue the communication and add this family to your email database. And of course, add all these questions to your website under an F.A.Q. section.

Email Tips:

1) If using a service provider, try Mailchimp: free for the first 2000 names. Have a template designed and ready to go with F.A.Q. After you hang up you can send out your designed email. Click Here for an example of an easy template we used to use for Dance Studios Web Design. Easy to make and perfect for categorizing questions.

2) If you are not using a service provider, create a Gmail account, especially for your email. The chrome browser has a free add-on called Yessware that allows you to see if people opened up your email and clicked on links.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

What types of classes do you offer?

1) Mention the various genres you offer in addition to mentioning the age ranges and the levels.

2) Do you offer recreational classes in addition to pre-professional or company classes?

What are your prices?

There is no way to avoid this question and the variety of reactions you will receive. Be sure to mention all of the discounts or ways the parent can save money. If price is still an issue, explain to the parent that the money goes to insuring the students receive the highest quality of training in a fun yet safe environment (with proper floors to minimize injury and mirrors to maximize learning). If they still complain, they might not be right for your school.

Performances and competitions:

Talk about all of the performances your studio is involved in, from recitals to local shows to competitions. To increase clientele, try allowing students to opt out of recital in recreational classes; this will allow those who want to learn dance but are not quite ready for the stage the ability to train without the pressure of performance (though performance is healthy and should be encouraged for every student!). Remember, the more performances the better, so call local events, local schools, and local retirement homes and get your students in front of an audience!

What are your teachers’ credentials?

Your entire faculty should have updated bios for your entire faculty and headshots on your website and at your front desk. Bios can be written by the teacher and then edited by you (or a studio manager) to ensure flow and accuracy. Print them out and have them ready for potential clients; even if the bios are not “star-studded,” a bio that makes a teacher seem fun, dedicated, and knowledgeable will go a long way with parents. Include your own credentials and honors your studio has received.

Can I watch my child’s class?

Allowing parents to watch dance classes is a difficult decision. If you allow parents to watch the class at all, use a video camera streaming live to a television in the lobby. This will eliminate the distraction of having a parent in the room, and allow the teacher to have full control over the class, yet still satisfy the parents’ want to view the class. Also remember you do not have to allow video observation every class; your studio, your rules even with parents.

Another great idea is to videotape your classes once a month and post them to your website and/or Facebook page. A picture is worth 1000 words, and a video is worth a million.

When can my child start?

The sooner the better! Try constantly offering a class that does not perform that way even if a student wants to enroll mid-semester they have an option. Or allow the student to observe an already ongoing class to keep them excited and enthused! Too close to the recital? Let the child start ANYWAY and offer them a role helping out with scenery, props, or taking tickets.

Other Questions to Expect:

  1. Is there a dress code?
  2. What if my child has to miss a class?
  3. How much are the costumes?
  4. Are there any other fees?

Following Up After The F.A.Q.

Having all these questions at your fingertips for staff as well as yourself can make this process easier. Following up with an email and a discount of 1 month (paid in full) or some other promotion can help encourage your phone call to turn into a new student!