We know. You are always looking for top ways to end your show. There is much debate on whether or not to hand out awards at the recital’s end. Here’s a list of pros and cons:
- Awards such as “5 years with the studio” are nice to mark milestones with your clients. Perhaps giving some type of monetary award for clients being with you for a long time is a good incentive as well.
- Gives students something to strive for.
- Generates a bit of excited anticipation.
- Recognizes hard work by students and growth from year to year.
- Students who don’t get awards can feel left out.
- Can generate competition within your school
- Can drag out recital time… to no end!
- Create group awards– email the certificates which can then be printed by parents. So each class gets an award for some achievement
- Keep awards about “anniversaries” to encourage longevity with studio and celebrate loyalty.
- Give anniversary medals out to students prior to the show. Have them come up in groups on the stage.
- Have awards announced on your website the day after the show.
- Award two scholarships (and have them mean something.) Have applications with essays the way colleges ask for essays. This person volunteered to take attendance, run social media, etc.
- Have an awards banquet/goodbye dinner weekend before for graduating seniors. (or the entire school if small enough).
Show Finales
Idea 1: Each class participates in the one grand finale with the little ones going first (so long, farewell, etc.) Teachers do a quick 24-beat farewell ( :90 seconds)
Idea 2: Curtain calls by class- bows (little ones led by older company kids)
Idea 3: Final bows for each class, teachers bow and get flowers, helpers bow and get flowers, seniors bow and get flowers/awards
Idea 4: Entire school on stage for bows, teachers come next, flowers, assistants flowers, and Studio Director
No matter what…
- Thank your parents, students, and staff.
- Make sure to announce Summer Dance and Fall Registration!!!
- Keep it short and sweet
- Provide incentives to register now!! (for summer and fall)
Here’s to the Done Club!